Virender Ranga

This guide is for installation of geant4.10.04 in ubuntu 18.04. However, it should work for all versions of geant4.

  1. Update the package lists
     sudo apt-get update     #Update the package lists
     #Install pre-requisites
     sudo apt-get install cmake gcc g++ expat libexpat1-dev default-jre default-jdk qt4-default cmake-qt-gui mesa-common-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libxmu-dev
     #Download the latest geant4 source code from geant4 website
     wget ""
     #Extract the source code
     tar -zxvf geant4.10.04.tar.gz
     #Make a build folder and change to that folder
     mkdir geant4build
     cd geant4build
     #Configure the installation
     #Install geant4 
     make -j4 #4 is the number of logical processors in my CPU. Change according to your CPU.    
     make install

Congratulations…Geant4 is now installed.

Please email me if you find any error.
